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  • 🎖️ A WWII hero, Self flying F-16's, and Quantum Stealth Camouflage

🎖️ A WWII hero, Self flying F-16's, and Quantum Stealth Camouflage

Remembering our brave Veterans, the latest Military news, technology and much more

Welcome to The Warchronicle Newsletter!

In todays email:

  • Self flying F15’s

  • Quantum Stealth Camouflage (yes you read that right!)

  • a WWII hero

  • And much more….

On this day in 1993:

USS Peterson (pictured in Hudson river) launched cruise missile whilst in the Persian Gulf

On this day, 26th June 1993, a significant milestone was reached as the United States launched a series of cruise missile strikes on Iraq. As we reflect on this event, we are reminded of the complex web of geopolitical dynamics that shaped this chapter in history.

General Powell giving a press brief

The strikes, ordered by President Bill Clinton, targeted the Iraqi Intelligence Service's headquarters in Baghdad. The objective was to retaliate against an alleged plot to assassinate former President George H.W. Bush, who had recently visited Kuwait.

These strikes marked the first major military action taken by the U.S. against Iraq since the Gulf War in 1991.

🎖️ Medal of Honor Monday

Today we honor Kiyoshi K. Muranaga, a US soldier in WWII, who on this day in 1944 single-handedly manned his squad's mortar weapon in an attempt to destroy an enemy artillery gun.

Muranaga was able to fire three shells before being killed by the enemy's return fire.

Because of the accuracy of Private First Class Muranaga’s previous fire, the enemy soldiers decided not to risk further exposure and immediately abandoned their position.

He was initially awarded the Distinguished Service Cross but after a review in the 1990’s he was upgraded to the Medal of Honor, and his surviving family were invited to the White House for a ceremony in June 2000.

May he RIP.

📷 Photo of the week

U.S. soldiers of Pennsylvania's 28th Infantry Division march along the Champs-Élysées, with the Arc de Triomphe in the background, on Aug. 29, 1944, four days after the liberation of Paris.

📰 In the news this week

News stories I’ve found interesting this week.

🤔 F-16 fighter jets flying themselves?

Check out some of these technologies which we may see on the battlefield one day, including F-16 that can fly themselves…

At 7.44 mins, I was amazed at the Quantum Stealth Camouflage - I am not sure what exactly it means but is certainly very clever, and very cool!  

📦 Gift ideas from Amazon.

The book is riveting in its authentic detail....Romesha captures the daily dangers faced by these courageous American soldiers in Afghanistan.

An amazing read with a gripping account of men in desperate combat against an overwhelming enemy. It’s an incredible read and is available on Amazon.

Have you read this book? If you have, what did you think of it?

🎥 From our YouTube Channel

Watch this mission by the UK Special Forces, the SAS when they went into the jungle and rescued some captured aid workers. They completely took the enemy by surprise.

📷 Readers Photos

My dad's P-51 after it was pulled from the shallow river where he crash landed.
He was shot down by ground fire and, not knowing if he was still over enemy territory, chose to fly it back as far as he could rather than bail out.

He ran up the river as fast as he could and was rescued by a group of Americans.
For his injuries, including severe burns, he was awarded the Purple Heart.

Thanks for sending this in Craig - great photo!

My Grandpa Wm j Hunt flew on 73 bombing missions from August 9/43 to July 30/44 as an engineer/turret gunner in the 552/386/9th (B26s) including DDAY and a crash landing at Manston that killed two of his crew members. The boy and the man.

Thanks Scott.

If you have a picture you’d like featured please send them into [email protected]

😮 Did you know?

In the late 1960s, the US Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) undertook an ambitious project that would eventually revolutionize global communication—the creation of the internet.

The goal was to develop a robust and decentralized network that could facilitate communication and data sharing between military installations. Little did they know that this groundbreaking initiative would lay the foundation for the modern internet we know today.

The US military's invention of the internet not only revolutionized military communication but also triggered a technological revolution that has profoundly impacted society.

It showcases the immense potential of scientific and technological advancements that emerge from military research and development, with far-reaching implications that extend well beyond their original intended purpose.

Meme of the Week

So true! What were your memories? Hit reply and tell us.

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Thanks for supporting, look out for our tee-shirts, coming soon…..have a great week and remember, hit reply or email us 👉 [email protected] if you have a story.

See you next week.

Rob 🫡