🎖️ Warrior to Wealth and remembering a Hero

Your weekly dose of incredible stories and images from Veterans.

Welcome to The Warchronicle Newsletter!

This week we have:

  • Warrior to wealth (link)

  • Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) techniques (link)

  • DNA analysis helps identify remains of WWII veteran (link) 

🎖️On this day in 1952

On this remarkable day, we pay tribute to the extraordinary valor of Lester Hammond Jr., a true American hero. On August 14, we commemorate the indomitable spirit that earned him the Medal of Honor whilst serving in the Korean war.

Lester Hammond Jr.'s story epitomizes courage under fire. In the heat of battle, he displayed unparalleled bravery, selflessness, and unwavering determination.

Cpl. Hammond, a radio operator with Company A, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and outstanding courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. He was a member of a 6-man reconnaissance patrol that had ventured approximately 3,500 yards into enemy-held territory. Ambushed and partially surrounded by a large hostile force, the small group opened fire, then quickly withdrew up a narrow ravine in search of protective cover.

Despite a wound sustained in the initial exchange of fire and imminent danger of being overrun by the numerically superior foe, he refused to seek shelter. Instead, he remained in an exposed position, calling for artillery fire to support a defensive action. Constantly vulnerable to enemy observation and action, he coordinated and directed crippling fire on the assailants, inflicting heavy casualties and repulsing several attempts to overrun friendly positions.

Even when wounded a second time, he remained steadfast and maintained his stand until mortally wounded. His indomitable fighting spirit set an inspiring example of valor to his comrades. Through his actions, the enemy onslaught was stemmed, allowing a friendly platoon to reach the beleaguered patrol, evacuate the wounded, and execute a safe withdrawal to friendly lines.

Cpl. Hammond's unflinching courage and consummate devotion to duty reflect lasting glory on himself and uphold the finest traditions of the military service. As we remember Lester Hammond Jr.'s heroic actions on this day, let us honor his memory by embracing the ideals he fought to protect.

Let us remember and salute Lester Hammond Jr., a Medal of Honor recipient whose actions continue to shine brightly in the annals of our nation's history. (link). 

💰 Warrior to Wealth: Robert Kiyosaki's Path from Marine to $Millionaire

Hailing from the serene town of Hilo, Hawaii, Robert's journey began with humble roots. He embarked on his educational voyage at the Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy in New York state. Upon donning the cap and gown, Robert diverged from the path of immediate financial allure, declining a lucrative position at Standard Oil. Instead, he embraced the call of duty during the tempestuous era of the Vietnam War, enlisting as a Marine Corps helicopter pilot.

Post-military service, the corporate world beckoned, leading Robert to the corridors of the Xerox Corporation. Guided by the wisdom of his Rich Dad, he unraveled the cornerstone of business success - the art of sales. Within the Xerox realm, Robert's prowess elevated him to the coveted position of the #1 salesperson.

Yet, a latent entrepreneurial spirit was afoot. Collaborating with his brother, Robert conjured 'Rippers', a trailblazing venture credited for launching the world's first nylon and Velcro "surfer" wallet. Amid these ventures, fate intertwined Robert's path with the luminary R. Buckminster Fuller – a polymathic futurist and visionary. This encounter profoundly impacted Robert's trajectory, igniting a fervor to be an educator in entrepreneurship and finance.

In 1996, a novel concept took form - the CASHFLOW board game, a vibrant conduit for financial learning and investing education. This innovative creation, birthed in collaboration with his wife, Kim, proved that learning could be both enjoyable and enlightening. 1997 etched a milestone as Robert penned "Rich Dad Poor Dad," a literary beacon that would illuminate countless financial pathways. The foundation was laid for The Rich Dad Company, a sanctuary for transformative financial wisdom.

Today, Robert's opus, "Rich Dad Poor Dad," resonates stronger than ever, while the CASHFLOW board game continues its playful quest to impart financial mastery. From a tranquil Hawaiian upbringing to a venerated figure in financial education, Robert's journey stands as a testament to the power of passion, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to positive change.

Roberts ten powerful money lessons from ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ (link)

🎖️ Military Technology

New rifles and aircraft for U.S. forces in 2023 (link)

10 most advanced military drones in 2023/24  (link) 

📰 In the news this week

Positive News stories I’ve found interesting this week.

  • DNA analysis helps identify remains of WWII veteran (link)

    The remains of a World War II veteran killed when his bomber was shot down on a mission targeting oil fields near Romania have been identified.

  • US Marines, Navy deliver aid to Papua New Guinea after volcanic eruptions Sailors and Marines aboard the amphibious assault ship USS America are flying emergency relief to parts of Papua New Guinea hit by recent volcanic eruptions, the U.S. Agency for International Development announced recently. (link)

📷 Readers Stories

Specialist Eacott and I were assigned duty as point men for this patrol, and we’re taking a break in-place. This was during the fall of 1968.

Thanks for sharing Larry

If you have a picture or a story you’d like featured please send them into [email protected]

😮 Did you know? The Astonishing Techniques Born from the Heart of Combat Zones!

In the crucible of conflict, necessity breeds innovation. The war in Afghanistan and other modern combat zones have spurred the development of pioneering techniques to tackle the complexities of combat-related trauma. These adaptations extend beyond the conventional realm, encompassing both physical and psychological dimensions.

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) techniques have revolutionized battlefield medical response, emphasizing rapid and effective care in the midst of chaos. TCCC's focus on hemorrhage control and airway management has saved countless lives where seconds matter.

Addressing the invisible wounds, Psychological First Aid (PFA) has emerged as a vital approach. By providing immediate psychological support, it helps service members navigate the psychological aftermath of combat, fostering resilience and adaptive coping.

The art of Combat Stress Control (CSC) offers strategies to mitigate and manage combat-related stress reactions. Peer support, stress education, and stress management techniques are integral to ensuring mental well-being.

Meanwhile, the boundaries of technology have ushered in ground breaking therapies. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) harnesses the power of virtual environments to assist veterans in confronting and managing traumatic memories safely.

From the surgical theater to rehabilitation programs, innovation thrives. Trauma surgery techniques have evolved to rapidly stabilize injuries. Comprehensive rehabilitation integrates physical and emotional recovery, helping warriors regain their independence.

The ever-evolving strategies for combat trauma emphasize not only survival but also recovery and resilience. As our understanding deepens, so does our commitment to arming those who serve with the tools they need to heal and thrive. (Link)

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See you next week.
