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  • 🎖️ Navy SEAL Saves Brother in Arms & Hypersonic Bomber

🎖️ Navy SEAL Saves Brother in Arms & Hypersonic Bomber

Your weekly dose of incredible stories and images from Veterans.

Welcome to The Warchronicle Newsletter!

For previous issues see here (link)

This week we have:

  • Secret Hypersonic Bomber (link) 

  • Navy SEAL saves brother (link)

  • Marines clashed with insurgents (link)

On this day in 2004:

The U.S. military in Iraq says Marines clashed today with insurgents in the city of Al-Ramadi, west of Baghdad, killing two of the attackers (link)

🎖️ Medal of Honor Monday

Daniel D. Schoonover was a Corporal in the 13th Engineer Combat Battalion, 7th Infantry Division. He was killed on this day in 1953 at Pork Chop Hill (link), Vietnam aged just 19.

His squad advanced on the hill across steep terrain with little tree cover and began assaulting enemy bunkers that held up their advance. Cpl. Schoonover led his men up that hill.

After an artillery round exploded over an enemy-held bunker, he jumped into the bunker, killing one defender and taking another one prisoner.

As they advanced, they came upon another entrenched position. They found themselves pinned down once more before Cpl. Daniel Dwain Schoonover ran through the blaze of bullets in no man’s land, tossed his grenades into the nearest bunker, and ran inside with just his pistol, clearing the bunker of enemy troops.

His men advanced to the top of Pork Chop Hill, only to meet the enemy’s full counterattack. Under a barrage of artillery fire, Schoonover directed his men to hold off the enemy assault while directing UN artillery on the hilltop. His direction allowed the Americans to hold the hill overnight.

When morning came, his men were relieved, but Schoonover stayed behind to man a machine gun as the enemy counterattacked once more.

When it came time for the Americans to push back, Schoonover joined that assault too. The last time he was seen alive, Schoonover was single-handedly pushing back a communist assault with an automatic rifle. 

Read his full citation here and may he RIP (link)

🎖️ Military Technology

The Robotic Dog

Like a scene out of Black Mirror, this article on the technology trends to watch out for including the robotic dogs as per the picture above (link)

The Hypersonic Bomber - WOW

Project Mayhem, the Air Force's Secret Hypersonic Bomber, has begun. A sweet $334 million Air Force contract in December was won to begin work on digitally creating the Air Force’s secret hypersonic bomber (link).

📷 Photo of the week

This is a really great colorized photo sent in by Geoff with no details. If you know then reply to this email and let us know.

📰 In the news this week

News stories I’ve found interesting this week.

  • US military calls for better weapons to fight artificial intelligence (link) After years of catching grief for exquisite weapons acquisition programs with creeping requirements leading to lengthy delays and budget overruns, the Pentagon now finds itself with a different sort of headache: how to stop weapons and systems that are dirt cheap.

  • US Drone Strike Kills an Islamic State Group Leader in Syria, the Defense Department Says: (link) A U.S. drone strike killed an Islamic State group leader in Syria hours after the same MQ-9 Reaper drones were harassed by Russian military jets over the western part of the country, according to the Defense Department.

  • See some great photos of last weeks parades (link)

🎥 From our YouTube Channel

Navy SEAL Petty Officer Thornton was assigned to a mission under the command of Lt. Thomas Norris. Watch this incredible story here

📷 Readers Photos

Ar Ramadi, Iraq, December 2006 - Thanks for sharing Scott (link)

Hue City Tet 1968, the Marines win the battle and retake the City. Tet literally put an end to the Viet Cong as fighting force and making it a North Vietnamese War. Thanks Natalya . Read more about this battle here (link)

If you have a picture you’d like featured please send them into [email protected]

😮 Did you know?

Task Force 59: Safeguarding Our Seas (link)

Task Force 59, an elite joint task force within the US military, is working tirelessly to combat illicit activities in the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific regions.

This remarkable force, operating under the United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), plays a crucial role in protecting our seas and promoting regional security.

They are dedicated to countering threats such as drug trafficking, illegal fishing, and other nefarious activities that undermine stability in these vital maritime areas.

With its strategic location and extensive capabilities, the task force collaborates with partner nations and agencies to execute its multifaceted mission effectively.

Meme of the Week

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👉 Email at [email protected] if you have a story

See you next week.
