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šŸŽ–ļø A One Man Army, A Sunk Submarine, and Automatic cannons

Amazing photos and stories from real heroes

Good morning,

In this weeks email we have a sinking submarine, automatic cannons, a Medal of Honor recipient and a whole lot more .

As ever, lets parachute straight inā€¦ šŸ‘‡

On this day in 1969:

Guitarro on the bottom of the Napa River after her accidental sinking at Mare Island Naval Shipyard 

On May 16th, 1988, tragedy struck at the Mare Island site of the San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard when the nuclear-powered attack submarine Guitarro (SSN-665) sank while tied up to the dock at approximately 8:30 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time.

The incident occurred during routine maintenance and repair work on the submarine, which had been in service for over a decade. The cause of the sinking was determined to be a malfunction in a ballast tank valve, which caused the vessel to take on water and ultimately sink.

Fortunately, there were no fatalities in the incident, as the crew had been safely evacuated from the vessel prior to the sinking. However, the incident caused between $240m to $345m (in todays money) and despite the challenges and setbacks, the crew of the Guitarro remained committed to restoring the vessel to full operational capacity.

Their dedication and hard work paid off, and the submarine was eventually returned to active duty in the U.S. Navy and was only decommissioned in 1992.

Photo of the week

I asked our community on social media to describe this photo in 3 words. Some of the top answers were: ā€œWar is Hellā€, ā€œBad ass warriorsā€, ā€œMen of warriorsā€, ā€œBrothers in armsā€, and ā€œAinā€™t war Hellā€.

What three words would you use to describe this picture? Hit reply and let us know.

Medal of Honor Monday

Corporal Ronald Rosser, a United States Army soldier received the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Korean War.

On January 12, 1952, Corporal Rosser was a forward observer with the 38th Infantry Regiment and directing mortar fire while his company assaulted a hill held by Chinese battalion near the town of Ponggilli.

Despite his supportive fire, the Americans continued to take heavy casualties. Cpl. Rosser turned his radio over to his assistant and, disregarding the enemy fire, charged the enemy positions armed with only carbine and grenade.

At the first bunker, he silenced its occupants with a burst from his weapon. Gaining the top of the hill, he killed two enemy soldiers, and then went down the trench, killing five more as he advanced. He then hurled his grenade into a bunker and shot two other soldiers as they emerged.

Having exhausted his ammunition, he returned through the enemy fire to obtain more ammunition and grenades, before charging up the hill once more. Calling on others to follow him, he assaulted two more enemy bunkers.

However, those who attempted to join him became casualties, Cpl. Rosser once again exhausted his ammunition, obtained a new supply, and returning to the hilltop a third time, hurling grenades into the enemy positions. During this heroic action Cpl. Rosser, had killed more than 20 Chinese soldiers with grenades and another 28 with his rifle.

This true American hero died on August 26, 2020 at age 90. He was buried in Iliff Cemetery, McLuney, Ohio.

šŸ“° In the news this week

News stories Iā€™ve found interesting this week.

šŸ¤” Most powerful Military weapons?

Fancy coming up against these? Think I would rather sleep in my fox hole thanks! Check out the Automatic cannons.

šŸ“¦ Gift ideas from Amazon.

This is a comprehensive survival kit, includes 21pcs powerful and popular survival gear and equipment and practical fishing tools. It also contains 120pcs medical supplies packed in a bright red bag.

You can quickly find everything you need in case of any emergency. The emergency kit can provide safe and comprehensive protection and medical care for people who like to go hiking, camping, fishing, outdoor sport and adventure.

At just under $40, I think this is an incredible deal!

šŸŽ„ From our YouTube Channel

Is this video we share with you a Gurkha that took on 30 Taliban fighters!

šŸ“· Readers Photos

Chaz who is a fan of this newsletter sent this in. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll agree this is a very powerful photo, with so much emotion going on in one image.

If you have a picture youā€™d like featured please send them into [email protected]

šŸ˜® Did you know?

Did you know that the US military operates over 800 bases in over 70 countries around the world?

According to the Department of Defense, the US military operates over 800 military bases and installations in more than 70 countries around the world. These bases range in size from small outposts and training facilities (value of less than $10m) to large, multi-service installations that house thousands of troops and their families (value of $10m+).

According to global US military deployment data published in the Conflict Management and Peace Science Journal, the US had around 173,000 troops deployed in 159 countries as of 2020.

Meme of the Week

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Thatā€™s a wrap, but anything you see that maybe of interest fire them over to me at: [email protected].

See you next week.

Rob šŸ«”